The Differences Between Spinning Bikes And Cycling: Are There Any?

Difference between Spinning bikes And Cycling: Is There Any?
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Have you ever had a conversation with a cycling enthusiast who can’t understand why people choose to cycle inside a gym when they could be in the great outdoors? The differences between spinning bikes and cycling are often discussed, and a lot of it seems to come down to personal preference. To help clear up any confusion, we’ve decided to take a look at the two to see if there’s any real difference.

So let’s take a look at the science behind it all. Firstly, research has found that there are a variety of incentives when it comes to using spinning bikes, namely that it is easier to keep your heart rate at a consistently high level of 70% of your maximum (especially when taking part in class). This is something that a lot of casual outdoor cyclists will struggle to either achieve or maintain because of the amount you have to be aware of while being outdoors.

The crux of the argument is that although you can maintain a higher heart rate on a spin bike, you use different muscles to those you’d use outdoors, and if you were to do the same tempo workout on both bikes then you’d burn more outdoors!

But it is a lot easier to perform a good cardiovascular workout on a bike inside a gym than it is to attempt doing the same thing outdoors. Of course, there are circumstances where maintaining a high heart rate is possible when outdoor cycling, such as in bike races but your average person is unlikely to take part in them on a regular basis. But having said that being outdoors offers a different set of benefits! You are getting fresher air (depending on where you are cycling), and it is an opportunity to clear your mind and relax more than would be possible in a gym.

Now let’s take a look at the benefits of spinning bikes:

  • The nature of being in a gym means you don’t have to worry about variables such as traffic and weather, which is a reason why a lot of people opt for gym classes.
  • It is an opportunity for you to cycle in classes and compete with others and push yourself.
  • Maintaining a consistent heart rate is a lot easier to achieve thanks to monitors that are on most bikes.
  • You are significantly reducing the risk of a serious bike accident.
  • It is a good cardiovascular workout for your body! You also don’t have to work as hard as you would have to if you were attempting this outdoors.
  • Spinning bikes are much more convenient and accessible.

And the benefits of outdoor cycling:

  • A lot of people prefer cycling outdoors as it is relaxing and spinning bikes can become annoying after a while.
  • If you can maintain a high heart rate, then it is a method of exercise that can burn more calories than cycling in a gym.
  • Outdoor cycling is practical as well as good for you, helping you to save money on travel and stay fit at the same time!
  • Many people like to join cycling clubs, and it becomes much more of a hobby than spinning bikes.

To conclude, spinning bikes offer some healthy benefits, and their accessibility makes them a lot more inviting to people who wouldn’t feel confident cycling on roads. But as we mentioned they tend to exercise a slightly different muscle group to that of outdoor cycling. It is also harder to maintain a constant heart rate and pace when cycling outdoors because there are so many factors from road safety to traffic lights and going around corners that affect your exercise.

It is evident that both forms of exercise are beneficial, but a lot of what dictates your choice is whether you enjoy the gym atmosphere or being outside. Using a spinning bike is going to make you feel the effects of a cardiovascular workout, and you might not get that outside, but this seems to be a factor that outdoor cyclists can live with rather than being stuck in a crowded room for an hour.

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