History of Acupuncture and guide to acupuncture treatment and its health benefits

History of Acupuncture and guide to acupuncture treatment and its health benefits
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Acupuncture can basically be defined as a therapy that makes use of needles, suction cups, moxas and further tools to target the pressure points in the body, helping it to heal certain diseases. The simple procedure causes the release of certain biological chemicals in the body, perhaps of painkilling or anti-inflammatory nature that can travel to the site of pain and dismiss it. And that’s not all; it can have plentiful health benefits too.

Before the development of technology and medical science, acupuncture was restricted to a pain relieving technique. However, now we know that some diseases of the digestive tract, brain system, breathing scheme and muscles can also be treated by this technique. Furthermore, the world of psychology gained an advantage when acupuncture also learned the tricks of countering depression and deeming stress harmless. Taking a step further, people also began to run to these acupuncture experts to help in reducing weight as well as skin related issues.

History of Acupuncture

Jesuit missionaries are the introducers of this technique in Europe, back in the 16th-17th century. They had been on a voyage through china where they came across this unusual method of therapy. The background of the word acupuncture is derived from the Latin language; acum meaning needle and punctum meaning puncture. The Japanese refer to it as Shin-Kyu while the Chinese call it Zhen-Jiu. However, it is interesting to note that in these languages, it does not only translate to needle but also to moxa. Nonetheless, the word acupuncture gained popularity and this is what this method is called now.

The science of acupuncture

Chinese state that our mortal health is equilibrium of two extremities called yin and yang of life; the forces being called gi or chi. Qi spreads in the body through various pathways that can be accessed by acupuncture. When you feel unwell, it is because the balance of yin and Yan has been badly disrupted. Now to bring the body back into motion, needles are needed to be placed in symmetric and balanced proportions inside the pressure points to help return the balance back, henceforth making you regain health. Interestingly, More than 350 pressure points in the body are known.

However, in the western societies, these concepts are not chartered. Science overrules everything and provides a logical solution. As per doctors of the west, pressure points as we call them, are points where nerve endings, muscular interactions and other connective tissues can be targeted. So the needle pinches enhance the flow of blood to these areas, all the while helping the body release painkillers, which is why we feel healthier after acupuncture sessions.

About the acupuncture treatment

Artemisia vulgaris, the scientific name of the herb called ‘moxa’ is another commodity apart from needles that are used in acupuncture. Pressure points in the body can be stimulated by needle pinches or the heat of moxa. At some centres, suction cups are used for the purpose, and at others manual labor and electrical impulses are utilized. Quite recently, laser has also been advanced enough to work in acupuncture treatments.

Acupuncture needles are not your normal day safety pins! These are designed from elongated stainless steel. Neither are they too sharp to pierce the body badly nor are the too thick in diameter to cause too much pain whilst insertion. Diameters may range from 0.2 to 0.3mm, while the length shall vary between 15mm to 18mm. If the expert uses electrical stimulation, then the wires must be covered with a copper sheet to keep the current in check, and help the process to perform better.

How is it carried out?

Although there is no rocket science involved as it seems but acupuncture is a very delicate and precise process that can only be carried about by proper experts. One wrong needle insertion and it can damage some important nerves. These sessions occur every week or sometimes every two weeks. First, the expert will know your details and devise the acupuncture plan for you. Then you will lie face down on, as he inserts the needles into you. There might be significant pain, but it is just pinching. These needles remain there for twenty-thirty minutes and then are simply removed.

Is it worth your time?

Some medical experts do claim that acupuncture is just a placebo effect, playing with your psychology rather than your body science. However, others have claimed to have been cured of painful diseases just by a few sessions. The treatment you receive, whether medicinal or acupuncture depends upon your own choice. And let us add, that the success of that treatment also depends on how your mind accepts it.

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