This Is What Humanity Might Look Like In 1,000 Years

"The world's rising temperature and accompanying deterioration in the protective ozone layer will play a major role."

We've gotten taller. We're living longer -- and healthier -- than ever before. And thanks to advances in technology, we can Google just about any imaginable piece of information (along with those kitten videos).

That's what has happened to the human species in the past 1,000 years or so. But what will happen to us in the next millennium? A new video (above) from the YouTube series AsapSCIENCE offers some fascinating and provocative answers, from the color of our skin and the shape of our bodies to how long we may live.

"As we move even further into the future, the world's rising temperature and accompanying deterioration in the protective ozone layer will play a major role," Mitchell Moffit, co-creator of the series, says in the video. "Darker skin becomes an evolutionary advantage as it protects against UV damage. Increasing temperatures may also affect our size. Taller and thinner bodies would be better at dissipating excess body heat."

Such noticeable changes would take more so around 100,000 years to emerge, Moffit says. But the idea that our future selves will drastically change in appearance isn't a new one.

In 2013, Pittsburgh-based artist Nickolay Lamm created sci-fi-like illustrations showing similar ideas of what humans may look like 100,000 years from now. The images were based on hypotheses put forth by Dr. Alan Kwan, an expert on computational genomics. Scroll through the slideshow below to see the results.

Now: Year 2013

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