Keith Olbermann Pleads With World To Leak Intel On Trump

The GQ host said he's looking to end a presidential "coup." Critics called him a traitor.

A somber Keith Olbermann pleaded Thursday with intelligence agencies around the world — including in Russia — to share information they have on President Donald Trump to help rescue American citizens Olbermann called “victims of a coup.”

Inspired Twitter fans slapped Olbermann on the back while critics attacked the host of GQ’s web series “The Resistance” as a traitor.

“I appeal to the intelligence agencies and the governments of what is left of the free world ... We the citizens of the U.S. are the victims of a coup,” Olbermann said after Trump fired James Comey from his position as FBI director.

“We need your leaks, your information, your intelligence, your recordings, your videos, your conscience,” said Olbermann. “The civilian government and the military of the United States are no longer in the hands of the people, nor in the control of any responsible individuals on whom you can rely.”

Olbermann called on journalists as well — and intelligence agencies of American allies, including Britain, France, Germany and Australia. But he also appealed to the intelligence services in Russia, “where they must already be profoundly aware that they have not merely put an amoral cynic in power here, but an uncontrollable one, whose madness is genuine and whose usefulness, even to them, is at an end.”

Olbermann slammed Trump as a “dictator in training,” a man with “seemingly no interest in our laws, in our rights, in our Constitution” and with a “brain that seems to not work properly.”

“We need your help. Whatever there is on Trump, reveal it,” he concluded with a last appeal to world powers. “What you have we need, and we need it now ... If we go under, you are next.”

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